Een Shoot the Moon site Ain't got no home, ain't got no shoes Ain't got no money, ain't go class Ain't got no skirts, ain't got no sweater Ain't go no perfume, ain't got no babe Ain't got no mind Ain't got no mother, ain't got no culture Ain't got no friends, ain't got no schoolin' Ain't got no love, ain't got no name Ain't got no ticket, ain't got no token Ain't got no god Yeah, what about God? Why am I alive anyway? Yeah, what have I got nobody can take away? Got my hair, got my head Got my brains, got my ears Got my eyes, got my nose, got my mouth I got my smile I got my tongue, got my chin Got my neck, got my boobies Got my heart, got my soul, got my back I got my sex I got my arms, got my hands Got my fingers, got my legs Got my feet, got my toes, got my liver Got my blood, I've got life Nina Simone, geboren Eunice Waymon (1933) was een Amerikaanse zangers, songwriter, pianiste, arrangeur en activiste. Levenslang geplaagd door racisme bleven haar enorme verdiensten grotendeels onderbelicht. Toch noemen veel vooraanstaande muziekartiesten haar als belangrijke inspiratiebron. Het unieke Ain't got no-I got life  (haar bijdrage aan de musical Hair) stond in 1969 in Nederland op nummer 1. laatst bijgewerkt op: 14 juni 2022 ©  2022 I've got laughs... I've got headaches, and toothaches and bad times too, like you I got my hair, got my head Got my brains, got my ears Got my eyes, got my nose, got my mouth I got my smile, yeah I got my tongue, got my chin Got my neck, got my boobies Got my heart, got my soul, got my back I got my sex I got my arms, got my hands Got my fingers, got my legs Got my feet, got my toes, got my liver Got my blood, I've got life I've got my freedom, I've got life! I've got life, I'm gonna keep it I've got life, and no one is gonna take it away I've got life!
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